Dr. sc. Lynette Šikić Mićanović na međunarodnoj konferenciji Australskoga antropološkog društva (AAS) “Life Support”; Melbourneu, 23.-26. 11. 2022.

Dr. sc. Lynette Šikić Mićanović sudjelovala je na panelu: Etnografija sa suzama: istraživanje uloge emocija istraživača u antropološkoj praksi, koji je dio međunarodne konferencije Australskoga antropološkog društva (AAS) “Life Support”, održane u Melbourneu od 23. do 26. studenog 2022. Antropolozi su se u izlaganjima bavili afektom i emocijama kao oruđima za antropologiju i istraživali kako se disciplina može bolje pozabaviti traumom u terenskom radu, poštovati empatiju kao središnju etnografsku praksu i predstaviti emocije u etnografiji

Dr. sc. Lynette Šikić Mićanović na međunarodnoj konferenciji Australskoga antropološkog društva (AAS) “Life Support”; Melbourneu, 23.-26. 11. 2022.
Dr. sc. Lynette Šikić Mićanović na međunarodnoj konferenciji Australskoga antropološkog društva (AAS) “Life Support”; Melbourneu, 23.-26. 11. 2022.Dr. sc. Lynette Šikić Mićanović na međunarodnoj konferenciji Australskoga antropološkog društva (AAS) “Life Support”; Melbourneu, 23.-26. 11. 2022.
Dr. sc. Lynette Šikić Mićanović na međunarodnoj konferenciji Australskoga antropološkog društva (AAS) “Life Support”; Melbourneu, 23.-26. 11. 2022.

U svom radu, pod naslovom Exploring the role of researchers’ emotions in team fieldwork with people experiencing homelessness (Istraživanje uloge emocija istraživača u timskom terenskom radu s ljudima koji doživljavaju beskućništvo), dr. sc. Lynette Šikić Mićanović etnografsku je pozornost posvetila emocijama istraživača u timskom terenskom radu i greškama, traumama i ranjivostima koje mogu biti presudne u izgradnji odnosa, rasvjetljavanju i prevladavanju predrasuda u tumačenjima. Ova analiza pokazuje da je moguće pronaći nove temelje u razumijevanju složenih društvenih odnosa, ponekad omogućujući istraživačima da istraže aspekte društvenog života koje inače ne bi razumjeli.

Rad se zasniva na obradi kvalitativnih podataka prikupljenih u sklopu CSRP projekta Exploring Homelessness and Pathways to Social Inclusion: A Comparative Study of Contexts and Challenges in Swiss and Croatian Cities (No. IZHRZO_180631/1).

– Program: https://aasconf.org/2022/programme#timetable

Dr. Lynette Šikić Mićanović participated at the Australian Anthropological Society’s (AAS) International Conference “Life Support” in Melbourne from 23rd – 26th November 2022

Dr. Lynette Šikić Mićanović participated in the panel: Ethnography with tears: exploring the role of researchers’ emotions in anthropological practice, which was part of the international conference of the Australian Anthropological Society (AAS) “Life Support” held in Melbourne, from 23-26 November 2022. Anthropologists, in their presentations, dealt with affect and emotions as tools for anthropology and explored how the discipline can better address trauma in fieldwork, respect empathy as to central ethnographic practice and represent emotions in ethnography

In her paper, entitled Exploring the role of researchers’ emotions in team fieldwork with people experiencing homelessness Dr. Lynette Šikić Mićanović drew ethnographic attention to researcher emotions in team fieldwork as well as mistakes, traumas, and vulnerabilities that can be crucial in building rapport, illuminating and overcoming prejudices in interpretations. This analysis shows how it is possible to make new grounds in understanding complex social relations, sometimes enabling researchers to explore aspects of social life they would not have otherwise understood.

This paper was based on qualitative research materials that were collected as part of the CSRP project: Exploring Homelessness and Pathways to Social Inclusion: A Comparative Study of Contexts and Challenges in Swiss and Croatian Cities (No. IZHRZO_180631/1).

– Program: https://aasconf.org/2022/programme#timetable

Projekt Istraživanje beskućništva i puteva do socijalne inkluzije