Dr. sc. Lynette Šikić Mićanović na 17. EASA međunarodnoj konferenciji “Transformation, Hope and the Commons”, 26.–29. 7. 2022.

Dr. sc. Lynette Šikić Mićanović sudjelovala je na 17. međunarodnoj konferenciji “Transformation, Hope and the Commons” – European Association of Social Anthropologists’ (EASA) na Queen’s University u Belfastu od 26. do 29. srpnja 2022. Održala je predavanja o prostorima liminalnosti koje istražuje diferencijal i više nijansiranih pojmova liminalnosti da bi se razumjeli prostori beskućništva i različita iskustva ljudi koji se suočavaju s beskućništvom

Rad je nastao u sklopu projekta „Exploring Homelessness and Pathways to Social Inclusion: A Comparative Study of Contexts and Challenges in Swiss and Croatian Cities“ (No. IZHRZO_180631/1). Projekt je financiran u okviru Hrvatsko-švicarskoga istraživačkog programa Hrvatske zaklade za znanost i Švicarske nacionalne zaklade za znanost putem sredstava Švicarsko-hrvatskog programa suradnje.

Dr. sc. Lynette Šikić Mićanović na 17. EASA međunarodnoj konferenciji “Transformation, Hope and the Commons”,  26.–29. 7. 2022.

Dr. Lynette Šikić Mićanović at the 17th EASA International Conference “Transformation, Hope and the Commons” from 26th – 29th July 2022

Dr. sc. Lynette Šikić Mićanović participated at the 17th European Association of Social Anthropologists’ (EASA) International Conference “Transformation, Hope and the Commons” held at Queen’s University in Belfast from 26th – 29th July 2022. Dr. Lynette Šikić Mićanović presented a paper on spaces of liminality that explores differential and more nuanced notions of liminality to help understand spaces of homelessness as well as the diverse experiences of people facing homelessness

This work is part of the joint research project: Exploring Homelessness and Pathways to Social Inclusion: A Comparative Study of Contexts and Challenges in Swiss and Croatian Cities (No. IZHRZO_180631/1). This work is financed within the Croatian-Swiss Research Program of the Croatian Science Foundation and the Swiss National Science Foundation with funds obtained from the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Program.”

– Conference: https://easaonline.org/conferences/easa2022
– Panel: https://easaonline.org/conferences/easa2022/programme#11922

Istraživanje beskućništva i puteva do socijalne inkluzije | Exploring Homelessness and Pathways to Social Inclusion