Evaluation of the Institute of Global Homelessness A Place to call Home Initiative – Qualitative Study

Evaluation of the Institute of Global Homelessness A Place to call Home Initiative – Qualitative Study

Od 1. svibnja 2020. Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar provodi projekt „Evaluation of the Institute of Global Homelessness A Place to call Home Initiative – Qualitative Study“. Voditeljica projekta je dr. sc. Lynette Šikić-Mićanović

Cilj inicijative Instituta za globalno beskućništvo (Institute for Global Homelessness IGH) ‘A Place to Call Home’ je podržati 150 gradova da zaustave beskućništvo na ulicama do 2030. godine. IGH trenutno radi sa 13 gradova koji rade na ciljevima vezanim za okončanje uličnog beskućništva do 2020. godine. https://ighomelessness.org/vanguard-cities-page/

Ova studija usmjerena je na razmjer pojave beskućništva na ulicama u svakom gradu i profil onih koji ga doživljavaju, nedavne promjene u razini beskućništva na ulicama, i pokretače svih promjena. Istraživanje u Rijeci provodit će se u dvije faze, a koordinirat će ga tim s Instituta društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar: dr. Lynette Šikić Mićanović, Suzana Sakić i Paula Greiner. Aktivnosti obuhvaćaju provođenje kvalitativnog istraživanja o beskućništvu, uključujući (1) dubinske intervjue s ključnim dionicima i (2) fokus-grupu sa zaposlenicima uključenima u rad s beskućnicima i neke od popratnih pomoćnih zadataka. Ovu studiju vodi tim istraživača sa Sveučilišta Heriot-Watt, Edinburgh (Velika Britanija) i GISS-a, Bremen (Njemačka), a financira je Oak Zaklada.

The Institute of Global Homelessness’ (IGH) ‘A Place to Call Home’ initiative aims to support 150 cities to end street homelessness by 2030. IGH is currently working with 13 ‘Vanguard Cities’ working towards goals related to ending street homelessness by 2020. https://ighomelessness.org/vanguard-cities-page/

This study is interested in the scale of street homelessness in each city and profile of those experiencing homelessness. Recent changes in levels of street homelessness and the drivers of any changes are also of interest. Research in Rijeka will be undertaken in two stages and will be coordinated by Dr. Lynette Šikić Mićanović, Suzana Sakić and Paula Greiner. Activities for this Commissioning Brief for Local Qualitative Research in Rijeka, Croatia involve conducting academic research on homelessness. This includes (1) in-depth interviews with key stakeholders and (2) focus group discussions with frontline workers and some accompanying ancillary tasks. This overarching study is led by a team of researchers at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh (UK) and GISS, Bremen (Germany) and is financed by the Oak Foundation.

Projekti Instituta Ivo Pilar